How to love your curly hair

As we all know, curly hair tend to frizz easily, and there is a constant slightly out-of-control feeling over your hair. That’s because curly hair has a natural tendency for dryness than straighter hair types. Here’s some tips to love your hair.


Don’t Brush Your Hair


Brushing your curly hair can separates the curls, and the individual strands are simply frizzle up, thus you could choose a good tooth comb or just use your fingers to cvomb. It’s best to softly comb your hair before a shower once it’s dry .Comb when hair is still wet can damage thte hair and make it shade easily.


Use Weekly Hair Treatments


Curly hair is usually more more easily to dryness and frizz because it’s harder for the natural oils and nutrients from your scalp to reach the ends of your hair. Using a weekly hair mask or treatment can help to repair and bring your hair back to life. It’s recommend applying hair mask or maintain once a week to keep your hair moist.


Proper Prepared


Frizz can pop up when you least expect it if you get caught in the rain. We always carry a lightweight anti-frizz serum in our bags in the case our hair decides to pouf up mid-day. If you find yourself in that situation, apply a little serum and immediately pull your hair into a braid or bun to smooth it out.


Use hair extensions

Use hair extensions to protect your natural hair, human hair from Nadula shop is highly spoken of, they can help you to switch hair-style without damage your natural hair.When you want to try ona new color or a new fashion style, you just go to nadula shop pick your ideal hair extensions.